Thursday, May 2, 2019

Thursday Art Walk 218: Logos Continue

I've continued work on my logos this week, doing secondary inking, some new sketches for bigger Dailies, etc.

Secondary Inks: Main Logo.
I'm probably going to do a third round of inks for the Main Logo, because while I like the way the yarn ball transitions into the game paddle, I do not like how the bowl looks. I'll be working on that for a while, I think.

Sketch Round 2: Dailies
I feel like the Dailies will be done before the Main Logo, since they're simpler, smaller, and even though there are seven of them, they're nowhere near as hard to perfect as that darn bowl...

Fiber Monday Secondary Sketch

Talk About Tuesdays Secondary Sketch

Wednesdaymania Secondary Sketch (belt to be added)

Thursday Art Walk Secondary Sketch
Apologies for the low quality of the sketch photos, but I'll be cleaning those up anyway :)

Now, I've got to run - I need a shower and I need to do the dishes and I have to wait an hour between the two.

I also need to prepare a salad after the shower...

Go Enjoy Something!

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