Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Talk About Tuesday 219

It's been so nice out... and then today.

So, it's probably about 60℉ (~15℃), which is really nice after weeks of just-above-freezing temperatures and icy nights, but!

It's going to be raining off & on all day :( Welcome to springtime.

Anywho, I'm going to be 30 in less than a week! You'll get to see my birthday present to myself on Monday (you've already seen most of it, tbh).

Today is a Talk About Tuesday, which means I get to tell you about the rest of the week and the start of next week.

  • Tomorrow I'll blab about wrestling, possibly some AEW news, possibly the insane thing that happened in Canada...
  • Thursday should have more art! Might take a break on the logos if the muse takes control...
  • Friday should be about movies - if I lack the resources for the weird short films I watched, I'll talk about the great movie I saw last night.
  • Saturday is more casual games, as usual ;)
  • Sunday may or may not involve a salad.
  • Next Monday I'll be a 30 year old Casual wearing something comfy and cozy.
  • Next Tuesday I'll still be 30, but the novelty will have already worn off, so I'll just be a blabbermouth as usual :P
So that's the coming schedule in a nutshell.

I have some stuff to take care of, a box to transport across town, water to down so I don't get dizzy walking around, and ideas to work on!

I hope today is good to all of you!

Go Enjoy Something!

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