Saturday, March 21, 2020

Saturday Casual Gaming 313: Whiling Away The Hours

In Which I'm Wasting Time
Let's face it, if Lazy Game Reviews wasn't already a fantastic long-running channel on YouTube, that's who I'd be. I'm lazy, and sometimes I review games.

I didn't play anything new this week, guys.

I was just playing Idle Pins the whole time.

Because of the Valentine's Day event.

And because I'm lazy.

But now I'm trying out Defender Idle 2, and that's quite fun.

Unfortunately, I've only just started playing it, so I have no opinions besides "yes, I'm enjoying learning this game". I'm so early on that I haven't even figured out how to play 100% of the way :|

Meanwhile, I'm still playing PokefarmQ, Pokemon Go, and several stupid apps on my phone. I haven't picked up my Switch in a week because I've been grinding through Idle Pins, and... well...

I'm lazy.

And I'm wasting what time I'm not writing, crocheting, or microwaving leftovers.

I'm in a very low-motivation state, which can be bad, but mostly, I'm just going with it and enjoying the rest.

So if you don't feel particularly motivated to play video games, despite possibly having more time on your hands than you're used to, then don't fret. It's okay to not want to do things. It's okay to want to do different things. And it's okay to spend a few hours watching other people play games if you want the gaming ambiance without the carpal tunnel syndrome.

I'd like to suggest several people to follow:

There are infinite options online, so go seek out some likeminded gamers.

Go Enjoy Something!

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