Thursday, March 5, 2020

Thursday Art Walk 311: March Weather

In Which It Is Definitely March

It's a gorgeous day out there, today. The sun is shining, the birds are going around and doing happy early spring bird things, and it's 46℉(7.8℃)!

The wind is also screaming through the trees and tried to toss me into the bay, yesterday.

Seriously, we've got gusts up to 24mph (38.6kph)! It feels like 37℉(2.8℃).

It's 100%, absolutely certainly March.

"March Weather"; ballpoint pen and graphite on printer paper; 2020
Poor Dedbert has to stay inside today, lest he take an accidental flying lesson he didn't sign up for!

I'll be heading out into the maelstrom soon enough, returning a sack of bottles for the deposit and meeting up at the library in anticipation of another day talking about books, writing, and all the nerdy things we love with my partner.

It's a beautiful day for it.

If a windy one.

Go Enjoy Something!

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