Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Talk About Tuesday 313

In Which My Blather Is Hopefully Helpful Over The Next Few Weeks.
The very last thing I want to do is spam you gentle readers with all kinds of stories and updates on how this virus is progressing, heightening your anxiety and generally not making your reading experience online at all relaxing. Instead, my hopes for the next few weeks are that I give you a reading experience that simulates safety and helps you feel less alone. Because I'm freaked out, too. I have people at risk, too. I have confirmed cases in my county, too. I'm just like the rest of you.

But I am writing a blog about enjoying things and being comfortable, and if ever there was a time when a focus on they hygge-minded nonsense that I peddle, then this is it.

So what is the Filthy Casual up to this week? Well...

Today I'll be handling some story stuff (I'd really like to finish part 2 of the novel by May, maybe finish part 3 by August or September?), but I'll also be catching up on more of that "ghost" basho!

  • Tomorrow I'll talk about the state of wrestling, the ghost basho, and maybe something less depressing, hopefully
  • Thursday I'll draw some art
  • Friday will probably be me discussing a movie, if not, it'll be me talking about something movie-related
  • Saturday will be me blabbing about random vidya games
  • Sunday will be me talking about food, because food is one of the ways I express affection.
  • Next Monday, hopefully I'll be showing you some progress shots
  • Next Tuesday I'll keep you updated on the blog and life in general.
I'm still healthy, despite my runny nose. This is possibly the worst time for me to have allergies springing up and being a total butt, but that's my life in a nutshell.

There is still good in the world - there is still art, there is still music, and while it is much harder to see one another in real life right now, it's not impossible, and I hope you'll be back on here tomorrow to see my thoughts on Wrestling :)

Go Stay In (if you can) And Enjoy Something!

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