Monday, June 24, 2019

Fiber Monday 226: Skulls and Polyps

You know how I've been worried about the cat?

This kitty in fact
And how she hasn't been eating and sounds really bad? Well! She went to the vet again this morning, and rather than going 2 hours away to a specialist, she had an appointment to be knocked out and have her few remaining teeth cleaned, as well as a little check to see if they could feel the growth in her face.

They did.

It's been years. We've known that she was suffering from some sort of obstruction for years, and it has never shown up on any x-rays or physical exams until today. They just called us and told us they got the whole thing, and she's coming home tonight. I set her kennel up this morning (yes, it's a big dog kennel. Yes she still weighs just over 7lbs. Yes that's overkill. She's our princess) and now she'll get to use it.

So tl;dr: The cat is probably gonna be okay guys!

And now, on to the Fiber part of Fiber Monday:

Skull shawl against the burgundy of our couch...
I'm up to 13 skulls across now, which means I've advanced exactly... 1 set of repetitions this week. I suck. Hopefully, I'll dedicate more time to the shawl in the next week or so. I think I'll have more energy to do things like this now that I know the cat isn't flipping dying, which was my biggest fear.

Vidalia Onion for scale.
We're going to keep working on the shawl until it's done, but then I'll need more ideas...

Go Enjoy Something, guys!

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