Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Talk About Tuesday 223

Today, my blog is late because I was busy! I promise I was up at a sensible hour. I was even ready for blogging before 9AM!

But life has a way of interfering, and except for a brief respite where I shared a sunbeam with the cat while I drank my morning mocha, I've been on the move.

It was a pretty chill half hour.
We enjoyed the sunshine, I drank my mocha. I patted her little puffy paw, and then I was running upstairs to gather all of my empty bottles. I'll be honest... I had about 80 cents worth...

After a quick trip to the redemption center, I helped my mom shop for garden supplies, since she's building up a nice garden this year. The four bags of soil we picked up were supposed to be 40 pounds (18kg) each, but they were wet, so they were probably anywhere from 60-100lb (27-45kg). They were heckin heavy, but we managed to get them home and stacked.

Then we hung out with the two chipmunks who were playing around under the porch. The adorable little brats were scooting around, flying up and down the stairs, and then we realized what they were up to - they were gorging themselves on my mother's strawberries.

Every single strawberry is gone.

There were a dozen plants.

Those chipmunks are still heckin cute, though.

Wildlife and adventuring aside, here's a look at your weekly blog forecast:

  • Tomorrow I'll talk about wrestling!
  • Thursday will be some art
  • Friday will probably be about either the gory movie I watched, the comedy movie I watched set in Hollywood, or the comedy music movie I watched.
  • Saturday will probably be about another grandma game I played recently!
  • Sunday will be all about the noodz (as usual, lol)
  • Monday will involve more shawl time
  • Next Tuesday we'll hang out and chat more, as ususal :P
So that's the coming week in a nutshell!

I think that'll about do it for me - I should get some lunch in me...

Go Enjoy Something!

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