Thursday, June 20, 2019

Thursday Art Walk 225: Speed Art

Sorry this one's a little late, but Google Drive did not want to sync until a little bit ago.

I've been seeing this "5-Minute Render" thing a lot, but since I A) cannot 3D model and B) I like to make completed artworks when I can. So I made a complete drawing as fast as I wanted.

The sketch for this Dragonair took me 5 minutes flat.
That's right - just the sketch.
Each pass over the initial shapes, I added more detail!

This lineart, including erasing the pencil marks took about 3 minutes.
It was a lot of erasing. I'm glad I'd finished my coffee, because if I hadn't it would've spilled.

Colors (including shading) took another 5+ minutes!
So, all told, this little drawing took me about 15 minutes, start to finish! Now... imagine doing that 807 times...


That's... well over 200 hours of work right there.

I'm gonna go check out a few ideas and hopefully, we'll see more cool art next week!

Go Enjoy Something!

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