Monday, February 4, 2019

Fiber Monday 206: Kirby Complete

It's been six weeks that we've worked on Kirby, and I have to say...


I'm sorry.

I'm very bad at embroidery and...


I sewed in the first eye without photographing it, sorry!

And I counted wrong to get to the next one (again, sorry)
You'll see what I mean, soon!

Here we go, eye #2 going in!

And this is where I realized they weren't going to match.

But I persisted, because pulling out those stitches would have sucked

Now, after I finished the first pass, I went back over it with the same yarn
filling in gaps and finishing the eye.

And here we go, pulling the tail through the body and clipping it off.

As you can see, my second eye started too early.
I should've given more space between the two.
The mouth was done in the same way, btw
Stitch a line, then go back over it to fill in gaps!

Kirby chilling over my snipping scissors

Kirby chilling in front of my second cup of coffee!
He is kinda growing on me, you know? I like that he's so happy, even if he is lopsided and his feet aren't set up to hold him up!

I'm looking forward to doing more amigurumi in the future, and I hope I get better at faces!!!

That's all for me today, guys!

Go Enjoy Something!!!

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