Thursday, February 7, 2019

Thursday Art Walk 206

Well, today has been a weird day. I was woken up around 2AM by a chilling cacophony from what I could only assume were vile hellspawn at the time. It started as a mournful howl and then devolved into whining and cackling. It was almost certainly a pack of coyote or coy-wolves in my backyard. Thank goodness my cat is an indoor cat, because if she had been outside last night... we'd never find her.

It was a deeply upsetting experience and I couldn't sleep afterwards.

Mostly I couldn't sleep because they wouldn't stop celebrating. I don't know what they were celebrating, but boy did that racket sound... jubilant.

But you're not here to hear about my messed up sleep schedule and the potentially fatal wildlife that doesn't belong in this area.

You're here for Art!!!

Here we see Dedbert Attacking a Stack and exploring his literary side!
"Dedbert v Books"; colored pencil on computer paper; 2019
 And since I don't want to be disingenuous, here's a photo of Dedbert's real-life Squishable counterpart, Dedbert. Yeah. I didn't bother to change his name. Don't ask me why I changed his eyelids but not his name...

The real live Dedbert having a cup of coffee on my desk, exhausted from a long night of coyotes and snow...
Hopefully, I'll manage a nap at some point, so that could be fun (especially since I had a weird hallucination as I was falling asleep on the couch this morning...). I should probably also brave the gross stinky chamomile tea, to be honest.

I might have to talk about the other tea I tried on Sunday (as well as talking about the tasty noodles I made recently!!!)

I think that'll do it for me, today!

Go Enjoy Something!

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