Saturday, February 9, 2019

Saturday Casual Gaming 206: Magikarp Jump

I love Pokemon!

You might've noticed this.

One of the free games that the Pokemon Company came out with for mobile is Magikarp Jump, and it's simple, fun, and cute.

Looooook how cute!

You are a generic trainer who has moved to a town where all they do is train Magikarp. For those not initiated into Pokemon, Magikarp is a big fish that does literally nothing but flail around. Eventually it turns into a giant sea monster, but not in this game. Here, you catch, raise, and drag your derpy fish to competitions where it jumps as high as it can!

Different karp grow up to have different patterns, and you slowly progress through the different competitions, winning money, diamonds, friends for your pond, and decorations!

It's a fun, simple mobile game that doesn't require a whole lot of forethought or planning, so it's perfect for me with my categorical inability to sleep for 8 hours. It's also a candy-colored wonderland of puns, funs, and generally adorable sweetness.

When you train, it's one of several potential activities.
Sometimes you're inflating things, sometimes you're just jumping, sometimes you're pushing another Pokemon like a Dwebble or a Crustle, and sometimes you're breaking stuff like trees or rocks.

When you show up to a competition, your karp flops around beside you!

And then you face off against a computer opponent and their Magikarp to see who's fish flops higher!

And then they come down from their vertical flight path and leave adorable craters behind!

My favorite part is hugging my Magikarp when he wins! The confetti is a nice touch.
Now, of course, I haven't even scratched the surface on all of the things you can do in this game, but I strongly suggest going onto your mobile device and downloading it. It's free, it's fun, it's simple, and it's something you can play around young people without traumatizing them. Uh... usually.

I have lost a couple of karp to rogue Voltorbs and Pidgeotto... and one got lost.

Random events are fun.

Anyway, that's all from me today! Find this game on your mobile shop!

Go Enjoy Something!!!

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