Thursday, April 4, 2019

Thursday Art Walk 214: Unfinished Business

As you may be able to guess from the title, I've still got work to do on Luigi. In my defense, there's a lot of space to fill and a lot of colored pencil lines to make, and do you know how hard it is to keep colored pencils sharp?!

You probably do.

I mean. It's colored pencils. And I'm using ones that are usually set aside for my nieces, which means they're all cracked up inside. I'm constantly dropping leads and sharpening away, and for that reason, when my 2pm cutoff time arrived, I wasn't quite as finished as I'd have liked! Oops!

Ah well. That just means I have another week to plan out a new piece of art, lol!

My first set of pencils consisted of a set of 5 - blue, light blue, purple, dark purple, black.

So I raided another box for their black, purple, & blue pencils and here we are!

Hm... needs more pencils...
I hope this looks cool to you guys, so far, because I actually really like it. I should've been more random where the small stars go, but so far, so good!

Now I've got to go stop the cat from eating a bunch of beef fat that I forgot to chuck from the steak & eggs I made for lunch. Ugh. Evie, no.

Go Enjoy Something!

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