Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Wednesdaymania 215

It was Wrestlemania Weekend this past weekend, so of course, there's a ton of stuff to cover, but I'm not going to be covering most of it.




I don't really have time, for one, and for another, I haven't seen most of it. Oh believe me, I will. I look forward to looking at all of the cool stuff. I just... I wasn't really into this year's 'Mania push with WWE. I mean, Honkey Tonk Man is in the Hall of Fame. Brutus The Barber Beefcake is in the Hall of Fame. HHH had to wait for Chyna to be dead to allow her into the Hall of Fame... It's not a good look, guys.

Besides this, I had very little interest in a lot of the Wrestlemania matches I'd heard about. I mean, why would you have Kurt Angle - an Olympic Medalist - fight a frumpy no-one like Baron Corbin? Come on. Ugh. Even Angle wasn't thrilled with this match, I'd imagine. And guess what. It sucked, from what I hear. Bleh.

Back to the Hall of Fame thing...

Poor Bret Hart was trying to give his acceptance speech on the part of the Hart Foundation with his old partner's daughter, his niece, Nattie, by his side, when some dingdong in a Rasta beanie tackled him for no darn reason. It was brutal. It was stupid. It was awful. Hart got himself checked out in a hospital because of hip discomfort afterwards. Who the heck would attack a guy who was fairly recently recovered from cancer and a stroke?!

Some dingus by the name of Zachary Madsen. That's who. And if you don't know the name, don't worry. He's literally nobody. Some wannabe MMA dork who had a crazy beef with Vince (who probably has never heard of him before, either). We're talking full-on loony delusions, here. I hope he goes to special prison because there's something very, very wrong with him.


But what about the rest of wrestling?

Well, AEW hired Good Ol' JR out from WWE, so that's some pretty big news!

So is their new advertising for Fyter Fest.

If that rings a bell for you, check out the advertising...


It's a complete ripoff of the failed Fyre Fest...

I love it.

It's perfect, and I love it.

But wait!

What about Wrestlemania itself? Uh. I think I mentioned I wasn't that into watching it. Then Z & I caught the first parts and...

They were good? They were pretty good.

I saw a match with Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins vs the Revival, and it was really good! I don't usually like Zack Ryder matches, but he was good, Hawkins was... better than usual, and the Revival were pretty darn crisp. A good, fast-paced match that had such a surprising finish, even the winners were in shock! Great storytelling. Great emotion. Wow.

We also saw the Miz vs Shane McMahon, and that was... amazing, to be honest. The storytelling, the way the Miz's dad looked so frail and defenseless (even though he was probably a better real-life fighter than Shane, since I think everyone really is...), how vile Shane was as a Heel, and... that last spot. What a match.

Pity about the finish, though. It shouldn't have ended that way. It was a mildly sour note in an otherwise great match!

Rollins vs Brock Lesnar! Oh man! I missed out on some dumbness, but apparently Heyman demanded the Rollins/Lesnar match happen way earlier in the card than it was announced to be (which is weird, but I dig it), and it was a brutal match. I'm honestly surprised there wasn't any hardway-blood. I'm surprised no one died. It was amazing, and it also surprised me!

Good finish, too.

I didn't watch much more, though, because it was, sadly, time for me to go home, but I don't think I missed much with the big ol' women's match that was starting. I just can't stand the Iconics. Sorry.

As for the Main Event? I haven't seen it, but I don't really like that they've delegitimized the victory with Rousey's antics. It smells a little too close to a Worked version of Montreal, and I hate that. Stop bringing it up Vince. YATA. (You Are the A-hole).

So that'll probably do it for me today, guys! I have to run.

Sorry about the lack of pictures!

Go Enjoy Something!

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