Monday, October 21, 2019

Fiber Monday 243: Possibly the Penultimate Week of Pumpkins!

In Which I Crochet A Lot, But It Doesn't Look Like Much

Today was a productive one for the ol' yarnslinging :)

I got up early enough that I got a lot of work done before anyone got back home, and I even had a visitor!

Yes, my cat decided my lap was the optimal place to rest after getting up from an enviable blanket nest for a stretch. It was really cute to have her perched there while I worked... at least until she started bathing herself. She basically just... soaked my thigh in spit, then hopped off of my lap and wandered back into her blanket nest. Not the delightful plush bed made for smurgling and comfort. The seat of a recliner with a blanket in it.

Cats are weird, yo.

But how much did I do today?

I finished the body of the scarf!!!

So with that, all of the orange parts of this set are completely finished!!! Now I just need to make leaves, add some tan as a stem on the end of this delightful expanse of pumpkin-y goodness! I'm super excited.

As you can see, I've also been making leaves!

I've been tirelessly seeking patterns of various leaves that look either pumpkin-like or fall like. I've discovered that things that look more like maple leaves work better for me :)

I'll probably also add a few corkscrew "vines" to our pumpkin set too!

So that's how things have been today!

Go Enjoy Something!

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