Thursday, September 12, 2019

Thursday Art Walk 237: Week 2 of WIP

Continuing work on last week's bubble art!

Last week, I started a bubble art project that was based on coordinates that I showed you! This week, I took on line 2, and I'll be working on the next few lines on my own time, but here's lines 1 and 2 of the coordinates together as bubbles!

I should probably mention that this is taken looking down at my rug.
The paper is about 1/3 the size of my living room rug, which is longer than I am. The paper, the way it's facing, is about as tall as one of my arms (wrist to armpit), which means it's about 1/3 longer than that. So... big. Very big. You almost can't see the single-dots (where I haven't put any ring around them)! This is a fun, if exhausting project. I'll definitely have to take breaks between the Lines, because otherwise I'll probably pass out from marker fumes. The piece kinda stinks from the Sharpies.

That being said, you may have noticed my limited pallet? I'm only using one teal tone, all of my orange tones, a maroon, a normal and a thin red, black, metallics, brown, navy, deep or dusty purple, and brown. Why?

It's gonna be spoopy, I think.

We'll see :P

I hope you come back to see my progress on this project!

Go Enjoy Something!

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