Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Talk About Tuesday 227

Talk About Tuesday is a go!
Good afternoon, folks. I wish I could say I was sleeping this whole time, but I was not. Believe it or not, this morning was mostly spent in negotiations. I negotiated with the shower over whether or not I could use the warm water (it was reluctant, but eventually my persistence paid off). I negotiated with the cat over whether she'd let me have my coffee or not (again, persistence was key, though bribing her with cuddles and a serious brushing helped). I negotiated with one of my crochet projects to see if I could detangle it from the horde of yarn (this one failed, sadly, so I'll have to return to negotiations in the next week or so).

I've had a busy, busy week, and with the heat wave now beginning in my home town (it's already 78℉, which is a little under 26℃) coinciding with Festival Season, it's going to be a rough week coming up, too. Today was not supposed to leave the mid 70s. Tomorrow... well, they're saying it'll feel like 82℉ (28℃), but they're also saying it will be cooler than it is now for realsies. I have 0 faith in this prediction.

Basically, this week is going to be hot, sticky, miserable, and I'm absolutely getting a sunburn because I always do no matter how much SPF I slather on...

But enough about the weather and the state of my coffee cup.

Here's the upcoming schedule:

  • Tomorrow I'm gonna talk about that FYTER FEST thing AEW came out with!
  • Thursday I'll draw some more - I have ideas.
  • Friday will involve a movie I've seen recently, possibly involving a wrestler.
  • Saturday will involve DINOSAURS! I flippin love dinosaurs!
  • Sunday will be tasty, as I feel it usually is
  • Next Monday will have more skulls, but hopefully at least two repetitions. We'll see.
  • Next Tuesday, you'll have me back here blathering away.
I'll be honest, the heat makes me really want to make some sorbet or shaved ice or something. I really do want to try to make shaved ice... maybe matcha or citrus flavored... mmmmmmmm....

I didn't get to go to my favorite ice cream place last year, so I'm hoping I can go this year and maybe even do a review!

I kind of hope that things aren't as toasty and awful as they tend to be in early July here, but we'll see :P

That'll be all from me today, guys!

Go Enjoy Something!

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