Thursday, July 18, 2019

Thursday Art Walk 229

Today, I woke up at 7AM. And promptly went back to bed, thinking I'd only sleep an hour or two.

I woke up a second time at half past 10AM.


That meant I only had time to run into the shower before it was lunch break for my mom, who came home from work and wrote up a nice list of chores for me to do. Which is fine, because they're not exactly rocket science - do dishes, separate laundry. Nothing I can't do in, like, an hour.

But I hadn't drawn yet!


Still, I managed to, while waiting for the butter I used on my grilled cheese to soften, draw you all a little something:

"Sleepy Birb"; mechanical pencil on printer paper; 2019

I might add color or ink later ,but for now,  I like him staying up too late at his sushi-themed laptop. That's totally not why I slept in this morning. Totally.

It's why I slept in :(

I can't help myself - sometimes I get on a Sudoku roll!

All faff and nonsense aside, though, today is pretty decent - I've got a cool breeze coming through my window, my cat is stationed in front of the sink I'll need to use for the dishes, and there are seemingly infinite playlists of good music on YouTube.

Today will go well.

I hope your days treat you right, too.

Especially since, if you're on the East Coast, we'll be getting a heat wave soon. Ugh. I'm not a HHH person - Haze, Heat and Humidity are the worst combo.

Still, for now it's a breezy 74℉ (~23℃) with 41% humidity, sunshine and birdsong... and the construction equipment that runs from 5AM to 8PM...

Go Enjoy Something, Summerfolk


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