Thursday, July 25, 2019

Thursday Art Walk 230: Sketching is Hard

Welcome to Today's Art Blog

Today has been a long one - I started by trying to sketch out a pair of characters, but I hate how they're coming along, so I'll probably scrap it and start over. These characters are from a set of stories I refer to as the Scarlet Rose stories, though they're technically from the offshoot, Spook Patrol. These two are supposed to be scaredy-cat Spencer Jaziri-Wyrick and Executive Producer Sara Goldstellar. Unfortunately, I cannot draw people worth a damn, so I'm just going to have to work on that... a lot.  Like... a lot a lot.

I refuse to embiggen this.
Yikes. This is very very bad.
It looks like a child drew it :(

On the other hand, I also had some inspiration to draw the worst cat I've ever drawn, so when I finished it, I just had to add some snark.

He's so DERP DERP!
I feel I should also mention that I'm actually kind of looking forward to the new CATS movie. It's not because I think it'll be any good. I hope they don't change anything. I want to see this trainwreck in action with friends. I think it's going to be the 21st century equivalent of The Apple or the second coming of Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark!

I cannot wait!

So that's been my day - struggling to make people look like people and drawing the derpiest cat on Earth. Sometimes that's just how it goes, lol!

That'll do it for me

Go Enjoy Something!

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