Monday, August 12, 2019

Fiber Monday 233: Week 14 of the Lost Souls Shawl

Fourteen weeks of skulls and lace...

We're on the home stretch, I think. I'm running out of thread, and while it's going to make a handsome scarf, I don't really know if this will be big enough to be considered a shawl on me. Then again, I'll just be happy to be done!

It does still look good, though :)

I cannot believe how long this has taken. I figured on this being a five, six week project! But then each row started taking about an hour, and I started to get bored. Project burnout is such a bummer! Thankfully, I've been able to do some work on the side, but that has extended the timetable for completing this project, so I've kind of backed myself into this corner. Ah well :P

Science mug for scale.
With how dinky that ball of thread is, I'm thinking I've got maybe one more repeat before the endgame, so hopefully, in the next couple of weeks, we'll be starting our next project! I'll have to try and figure out what that'll be... probably something fast, like fingerless gloves or something...

Go Enjoy Something!

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