Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Wednesdaymania 235: AEW News

By now, everyone who loves wrestling has probably heard the news that Jon Moxley (aka Dean Ambrose) is going to have to miss his dream match with Kenny Omega at All Out. This is devastating not only for me as a fan, but for AEW as a company, and when the news broke, everyone was wild with speculation. Was it a Work? Was it a Shoot? What happened? Who would take Mox's place?!

It was not a Work (a wrestling carnie term that means that the story was fabricated to "work" the crowd, or to force a desired response). Jon Moxley is, in fact, going to be absent from All Out in just a few days. This is a Shoot (which I think may have come from the term "straight shooter", which can be taken to mean "genuine" or "honest" in Wrestling context). But what happened?

At some point in the last month or so, Jon Moxley appears to have injured his elbow. I don't know if it was during the hardcore match or some other time, but the injury occurred all the same. Now, imagine what wrestling with injuries is like for a moment. You're on the road, staying in unfamiliar hotels, and you don't know if the guy who wrestled before you pooped himself (which is absolutely a thing that can happen) in the ring. You're constantly being exposed to pathogens.

Unfortunately, the pathogen that Moxley has been exposed to (and contracted) is MRSA. That's basically a super staph infection. It's so bad he's going to have to have the bursa sac removed from his elbow surgically so it doesn't spread and take the arm.

This means that he's going to be out of All Out.

But Kenny's still on the card.

So what are AEW going to do?

Well, it would seem that this time the stars have aligned and one of the greats has volunteered to have this match.

It's PAC.

Who's PAC?

PAC might be more familiar to you as Adrian Neville. Yeah. The one with the Red Arrow finisher. The one who defies gravity. And Wellness Policies, since there's no way that musculature isn't assisted by certain performance-enhancing substances.

So the new match is Omega vs PAC. I'm super excited!

This will still be an incredible match. It's not going to have the great buildup it should have. It won't be the vicious match it should have been. That's disappointing. I'm not the only one disappointed.

But even though it's disappointing to lose Mox for this match, it's still going to be insane. PAC is a wrestling god. Kenny is a Best Bout Machine. It's gonna be great!

Now, there was one other bit of news that made me very happy.

Tony Schiavone, once the voice of WCW, now a voice for MLW, is also going to be a voice for AEW!

How flipping cool is that?! The guy is awesome. Hopefully this means that there will be greater cooperation among net-based Indies now, especially AEW and MLW. This can only mean better money for everyone.

Obviously they can't crossover on TV, since they're shown on competing stations, but it's still interesting to see some cooperation starting off!

I think that'll do it for me today, folks!

Go Enjoy Something!

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