Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Talk About Tuesday 235

I'll admit it, I was up for a couple hours before I started this blog. I'm on my second cup of cocoa, I feel like taking a nice nap, and I'm watching my cat sleep. It's a lazy day, I think.

With a September sky (in late August) overhead, a steady breeze rolling waves through the willow branches outside my kitchen windows, and a glorious temperature of 68℉ (~20℃) with 56% humidity, it's a truly glorious day. I should take some crochet outside and nap in the sun. I really should.

I probably won't because I'm lazy.

I've got plans for this week, so let me throw them at you:

  • Tomorrow I'm talking about the latest news from AEW
  • Thursday I'm working on more art - either new sketchy comics or building up older sketches.
  • Friday I believe I'm going to write about a movie I watched recently...
  • Saturday's game is a bit up in the air, since I haven't found one to focus on yet :P
  • Sunday's another noodle review!
  • Next Monday, I'll reveal the basic plan for my next undertaking. Spoilers: I cannot drag this one out 16 weeks, there's not enough project for it.
  • Next Tuesday, I'll be blabbing at you once more!

So that's my plan for the next week or so. I also plan to do the following:

  • Read a book!
  • Write more for The Gimmicksmith and/or Byrd.
  • Work on a couple of older crochet projects that I've been putting off...
  • Snuggle with the cat
  • Maybe eat some oatmeal. I dunno yet.

I'm kind of in love with the weather lately, seeing as I am a fall fanatic. I like wearing cool jackets and sweaters and breaking in my hats and fingerless gloves, so it's always a blast when the weather starts to cool. I'm heartbroken that this is only a brief reprieve from summer's wrath, which is apparently going to sneak back in right as September actually begins. Boo.

I wish there was a place I could live where it's basically October 365 days of the year. Cool, crisp, fall-like. And then I remember that I like swimming, and also that places where it's really comfortable all the time weather-wise inevitably have some other kind of uncontrollable meteorological or geologic drawback. So I'll content myself with the knowledge that for today, at least, I can pretend the world is an Autumnal paradise and dream of warm cider and cool weather.

Find some joy today, people.

Go Enjoy Something.

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