Sunday, December 22, 2019

Survival Sunday 251: Leftover Rice Eggstravaganza!

In Which I Use Up Some Leftovers!

By now y'all know I like to experiment in the kitchen, especially with leftovers, frying pans, and eggs.

So it shouldn't shock you that I'm coming up with weird egg fried rice knockoffs.

I promise, guys, this tastes really good, so don't be afraid to try it out!

Start with your basic ingredients!

For this Eggy Rice, you'll need:

  • Leftover rice
  • 2 slices Canadian bacon (sliced into bite-sized pieces)
  • 2 eggs
  • salt & pepper
  • ketchup

If you have veggies, definitely add those too, because this? This is pure cholesterol right now. Oops.

Step 1: Slice everything non-rice-or-egg and fry it on low heat.

It's usually pretty good to start low with stuff like Canadian bacon. It doesn't have a high fat content, so putting it in too hot of a pan will cause smoking and smoking is bad for you. This is also when I'd add any veggies if you've got them - peppers, onions, carrots, even corn and/or peas! This would go well with basically any combo of fryable veggies. You could even use tiny cubes of potato or sweet potato.

Basically, you want these things to get a bit toasted on all portions. Feel free to increase the heat if you feel it's not cooking the way you'd like!

As that's happening, let's focus on our eggy rice!

The next thing you want to do is crack two eggs into the bowl (or other container) of your rice.

And then stir it up!

You want to make this into a slightly frothy, fairly homogeneous concoction, with each grain of rice coated in egg. You also want to season your rice with salt, pepper, etc at this time.

After combining the eggs, rice, and seasoning, you'll be adding your frothy egg mix to the pan with the meat and/or veggies! This can look a bit weird, but bear with it, and immediately begin mixing the egg-rice and veggies/meat together in the pan over low to medium heat!

And yes, it's quite... voluminous!

At this point, squirt a goodly serving of ketchup in there and mix well. You can use any kind of sauce you like (uh.. actually, maybe don't use ranch, that separates under heat and could be kinda gross unless you're using a dry mix...) like mustard, soy sauce, etc. Whatever you think would taste good hot with eggs and rice. I might add a few splashes of soy sauce and some gochujang next time...

Now toss it in a bowl and eat it!
Obviously, you want to make sure that the eggs are cooked if you live in America, since our eggs are washed and therefore more prone to bacterial infiltration than fresher, unwashed eggs in say, Japan. You may find that you prefer to cook this over a higher heat until the eggs are more separated from the rice. You may find that you prefer a slower, lower, creamier version making the dish more like a rice-egg-pudding. However you make this, feel free to leave me a picture in the comments or Tweet at me or something (@TheFilthyCasua8)!

And now, since you've been so patient, here's the video version (lol).

Go Enjoy Something!

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