Saturday, December 14, 2019

Saturday Casual Gaming 250: Silver and Gold

In Which Christmas is Very, Very Commercial

My earliest memories of gambling come from my cousin's copy of Pokemon: Red for the GameBoy. The Celadon Game Center was a great place to just kick back and spam the slot machines. It was the only way to get Porygon without trading with someone, and if you lived in the middle of nowhere like I did, trading was going to be a problem.

Point is, I kinda developed a bit of a habit where I would just... play the slots until the batteries ran out or someone wanted their GameBoy back. When I got my GameBoy Color, all bets were off and I became obsessed with timing and hot machines and... I basically became a 12 year old gambling addict.

So Slot machines and I have a bit of a bad history.

That don't mean I hate 'em, though...

Thankfully, I managed to cut things a bit close this year and just played a day or so of Holiday Slots Inc by Makopaz on Kongregate.

It's a pretty easy game, too
So basically, you're trying to win gifts, which you then spend on upgrades before delivering them to children around the world. The more gifts you deliver, the more people believe in you! The more people believe in you, the more clout you have, and you can open your own toy store! The more money you earn from that, the more upgrades you can get and then...

You infiltrate Hanukkah?

Yeah. You start taking over the entire holiday season, in fact, and eventually, you become so beloved by everyone, you earn money while waiting for the holidays to roll back around.

It's a very weird game with bizarre implications, but I kinda like it lol.

I should mention that I had the Goldenrod Game Center's music playing in my head the whole time I played...

I should also mention that this is a game I'm probably never playing again after this review because I can feel the attachment growing again, and I don't want to be an adult with a gambling habit. That would be bad.

That said, if you can trust yourself with slot simulators, then definitely give this one a try!

Go Enjoy Something!

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