Thursday, December 26, 2019

Thursday Art Walk 252

In Which It's the Last Art of 2019!

It's a beautiful sunny day today. There's leftovers in my fridge, my family have their gifts (including the Purrmaid!), and I have plans to go see a showing of Strangers on a Train at my local library. All in all, this is a fantastic December 26th.

Unfortunately, I have the Christmas Crud, which means that my throat hurts, my nose is leaking like a faucet, and all I want to do is sleep. I'll be 100% fine, though. This happens every year, it feels like, lol!

I'm not the only one, either...

"Christmas Crash"; permanent Marker on sketch paper; 2019
Poor Dedbert. The poor lil guy is so zonked from his exciting Christmas exploits that he's got his Santa hat dipped in his coffee! I'll give him the week off next week - it's been a while since I've done some bubbles :)

Here's hoping that your Christmas was merry and bright, and if it wasn't, then hopefully the new year brings you better days ahead.

I love you all.

Go Enjoy Something!

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